Hi vm9870 - welcome to ThePOGG.com.
Please quote the reason the operator provided for this delay in payment.

Player's Complaint
I have deposited 12540 Rs through Netteler and Astropay on 08/11/2021 and Played casino Games of full amount and make it 12912 after winning some amount.When I requested for withdrawal they rejected my withdrawal without any reason.Since I was visited first time I was Knowing that they will give my withdrawal after Giving all the Documents like other casinos gives the withdrawal.They asked Astropay Deposit Proof, Netteler Deposit Proof,My Adhar card both side,Pan Card all the documents they asked from PC.I provided them each and every required documents instantly because I have kept all documents ready.They were trying to Scam by asking more and more documents but I have provided all the documents.I have wasted my whole day in providing documents.After they checked and found my all documents Real and Valid they were trying to make another execuses.And they told me to wait for ther specialist's reply.I got a mail after some time that "My withdrawal has been hold for 180 Days".They were saying that it will take 180 Days for investigation while I have already prooved myself that I am Real user and provided them all the documents they asked for.Also I have attached all the documents and proofs here so that THEPOGG can beleive on me.I know that I cannot do but this doesn't mean to misuse of their power.This [EDIT] site should me treated and punished [EDIT].A yser has authority to withdraw their winning if he is Real.But still after found all my documents valid they hold my withdrawal For a long duration 6 Months (180 Days).I request that no one should be trap next in the net [EDIT].Kindly help me in getting my hard earned money.I have deposited my own hard earning money.[EDIT]I hope THEPOGG will provide me justice.
4 Responses
"Dear user, We have received the information from payment system concerning suspicious deposits to your gaming account. Please be aware that you will not be able to withdraw your funds till the end of the investigation (180 days) between the betting company and the payment system. Kindly note that your balance being held until the end of the investigation as well." This is the Email I received from 1xbet.But I want to confirm you that Still I am not afraiding and not agree with their response.They were trying a lot to doing Fraud but All my Documents and screenshots were Real that's why they have make another execuses and kept my withdrawal hold for 180 Days which is not fair for a Real and Loyal Player.